DFW Wills and Trusts Attorneys in Arlington, TX
Estate Planning Attorney - Wills, Powers of Attorney, and Trusts
Wills. The Dove Law Firm attorneys provide counseling and guidance in the process of planning the distribution and management of your estate to your family and loved ones. We discuss your wishes and concerns in order to tailor an estate plan to fit your needs. To prepare your will, you should consider questions like:
Who do you want to inherit your assets?
Do you have children? How old are your children?
Do you want to put any restrictions on your family's inheritance?
Who do you trust to carry out your wishes?
Powers of Attorney. A comprehensive estate plan includes more than just a will. It should also include documents to handle your affairs if you become unable to do so. Powers of Attorney can be used to appoint a trusted individual to handle your financial and medical affairs if you become unable to do so, whether by injury or illness. The document is made before you become incapacitated, and allows another person to make decisions on your behalf. It is important to create these documents while you have the capacity to do so.
Trusts are commonly used by our estate planning professionals to help meet our clients' needs. There are many different types of trusts that can be used to meet estate planning goals, including revocable trusts, Miller trusts, and special needs trusts. A trust can be used before or after death to distribute property in accordance with the grantor's wishes. To make the best use of a trust, a qualified and reliable trustee should be appointed to manage the trust.
Our attorneys prepare many types of trusts, including:
Revocable Living Trusts
Irrevocable Trusts
Grantor Trusts
Asset Protection Trusts
Special Needs Trusts
Special Needs Trusts are special trusts designed for the benefit of individuals with disabilities, either physical or mental. They are written in such a way that the disabled can enjoy the use of the assets held by the trust without jeopardizing his or her rights and entitlement to receive needs-based government benefits.